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How to Design a Dye Sub Roll-up, Pull-Up, Retractable Banner Stand

custom roll-up banners

The best practices when it comes to designing a retractable, pull-up, or roll-up dye sublimation printed fabric banner stand that sells.

Question: How much copy or how many letters can be printed on a pull-up or roll up banner?

Retractable banners, also known as roll-up and pull-up banner stands, average a floor model size (non-table top models which are shorter) is around 32 inches in width and 78 to 83 inches in height. Mind you, this is an average, and there are all manner of sizes available today as well as the ability to make custom retractable banner stands, so we’re just positing an average size for this answer.

Banner Content

pull up banner designsOnce again, I will repeat what I often say, and that is that what is on the banner is more important than the design every time – within sensible design guidelines. You can say the right thing, but if it’s lost in poor design graphics, the best message about the best mousetrap in the entire known universe will be lost because no one will take the time to find it in today’s 140 character world.

Length or Size of Content

Space-wise, you can put the 23rd Psalm on your pull-up banner, and probably the 24th, 25th, and 26th as well, but most show goers or retail shoppers won’t stop to read it because there’s just too much info on the banner. The sound byte world we reside in during the 2nd decade of the 21st century has accustomed us to flashy, quick, punchy messages, which, if those catch our eye, then we delve deeper to learn more, so you have anywhere from about two to five seconds to catch someone’s eye.

Once you’ve caught a potential client’s eye with your headline, now you need to address their area of pain or pleasure that you are going to solve or enhance. This could be a brochure, a video, or a short DVD or YouTube video they can read or view that tells them a bit more about why they need your product or service.

Testing Your Advertising Message

Testing your message is always the best way to learn what to put on your banners or on your video or brochures. There are a couple ways this can be done, but the fastest way in the 21st century is online using a pay per click advertising service like Google’s Adwords, those little ads to the right of the organic search results that come up when you type in whatever product or service you’re hoping to find to solve a problem or enhance your life.

Here’s how you do it. If you’re familiar with Adwords already, it’ll help, but Google also offers live help if you need it. You first create a Google account for Adwords, then it’ll run you through the process of how to set up your ads, including targeting areas or countries you want to test your marketing message in.

Split Testing Ads

Dye Sublimated Tension BannerYour best practice here would be to test ads and landing pages against other ads and landing pages, a practice known as split testing. You may want to first test ads against each other to see which ad pulls best, with either same or different landing pages with discount codes that the consumer can refer to if he decides to go to your main site to order the product or get more info on your service.

You can split test several ads at a time, and sometimes you’ll come up with a couple winners, or a clear winner. Rinse and repeat with some new ads. Also, keep track of which landing pages are giving you the most orders.

Sometimes you’ll find more tire kickers are coming from one landing page, but that more buyers are coming from another that is getting fewer click throughs, but as sales is what you need more than traffic, the winner would be the page getting more sales, although you may want to find a way to continue to increase traffic clicking through the landing page to your site as high traffic with high sales is optimal.

Applying the Test on Your Retractable Banners

How does this relate to your retractable banner? If you have tested various headlines and copy online, duplicate the winning message onto your banner with some professional design. It is nearly guaranteed that your banner will draw traffic to your product or booth if you’ve done your testing ahead of time.

One caveat. You’re realistically featuring a headline on your banner, and not trying to make the sale with the banner. Your salesman, video, or brochure should accomplish this, and they’ll be patterned after your landing page, not your Adwords Ad. The Adwords ad is like a headline, and the landing page is like the article or story. Don’t confuse the two, or your results will be less than stellar.

Discover dye sublimation printing of fabric banners displayed on retractable banners in here:


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Barry K. Brown

Barry Brown has been in the Sign, Banner, Decal and Display Business for over 30 years. It isn't what he thought he'd do with his life, but he says he knows too much now to do anything else!

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