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Tag: wall stickers

Reusing Vinyl Lettering, and Why Put on Wall Stickers

vinyl window decal

Re-usability of Vinyl Letters and decorating walls with decals and stickers.

Question:  Is vinyl lettering reusable?

Rarely, if ever. I’ve never re-used a vinyl letter, and I’ve been in this trade for 21+ years. Vinyl material that vinyl letters and graphics are created from come on a roll, and the vinyl itself has an acrylic adhesive applied to the backside of the vinyl, which then is bonded to a “release liner.”

The release liner is a slick paper that allows the vinyl to bond to the liner through the cutting process until a transfer tape (usually) pulls it away from the paper,

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Clings and Stickers Differences, Cleaning and Storing Wall Decals

Cartoon Wall Clings

Static clings versus stickers, and taking care of wall decals.

Question: [Can you] tell me the difference between decals, clings, stickers, wall tattoos, stick-ons, wall tats…?!?!

Most certainly – mostly marketing terms. There are truly no differences between most wall stickers, wall tattoos, Dali wall decals, wall clings, wall stick-ons, or any other name given to wall decals.

The reality of what you find online or elsewhere is a need to differentiate oneself from one’s competition. And maybe a bit of design. Dali wall stickers, for instance, are sold based on designs that people like to purchase for their homes or kids bedrooms,

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How are Wall Decals and Stickers Made

Graphic Wall Lettering

Printing stickers and decals designed for walls.

Question: How are Wall Decals/Stickers made?

There are a couple of standard procedures for creating wall murals using decals.

If you need hundreds or thousands of wall decals printed, then it will probably be the most cost effective to screen print them.

Screen printed decals have been around for many decades, and range in size from very small to quite large, but for the purposes of this conversation, we’ll use a 4’ x 8’ size to demonstrate how the screen printing process works.

4-Color Process Screen Printing

If your graphic is a “4CP” (four color process) print,

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Upgrading Indoor Atmosphere With Wall Clings

Bedroom wall decals

Wall clings are one of the best printed products to come along in the past few years.  They have a good grip on walls and glass doors that they enhance.

They make the retail’s or home decorator’s job a whole lot easier because they adhere statically or with removable adhesives.  Specially formulated to stick onto a wall surface for as long as you want them to, then remove just as easily, they are both environmentally friendly and very economical.

They can be done as floral designs swirled on the wall of your little girl’s room.  They can also be life sized like Superman or Spiderman on your son’s wall. 

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Ideas for Wall Stickers Applications

Stickers and Decals Designed on Walls

Wall stickers are great at doing their job – informing the public all about your product while firmly affixing themselves to all types of walls. They advertise your business with special decals, large graphics and many times resemble art.

Who but a professional would guess that the big, impressive sign on your wall is really a sticker! They have many uses and applications, and can appear as fresh and delightful as a mural. Thank goodness, you don’t have to commission a private artist to come paint on your wall. The printed graphics are designed to look impressive and in the long run,

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Interior Designing Can Be Made Easier With Wall Decals

wall stickers

As printing technology continues to evolve, wall decals have become a great addition to modern homes and businesses.  Traditionally framed pictures are great to hang on your family home walls where they can be seen, but they are even more amazing, giving an appearance of translucence and a floating design.

If you want to add that special something to your environment without investing in oil paintings and sculpture, why not consider graphics for walls?

Custom Wall Graphic Designs

Some are highly sophisticated, ornate and true to life.  You have a choice of trees,

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